On the one hand apparently sees Palin's activities as personally centered i,e returning personal rewards through book sales and the like whilst assisting conservative candidates in 2014, but on the other them enhancing a genuine run for president in 2016.
The two are not mutually exclusive as why should Palin be held to a different standard than any other politician-particularly those on the left who write books whilst campaigning for their beliefs and, in Palin's case, hopefully, her election as president? Why should her "catching "lightening in a bottle" not come with personal rewards as well?
Here is a part of the report on Bike's comments from news accumulator PRLog at THIS LINK
Sarah Palin Leaves Fox; National Run in Her Future?
Sarah Palin has leveraged her brand well since exploding on the national scene in 2008, but since she recently lost her bully pulpit at Fox News, she may need to make another national run for office to keep the Palin brand viable.
Bike is the author of the book Winning Political Campaigns: A Comprehensive Guide to Electoral Success.
“Palin still will make money giving speeches to Republican and conservative organizations, but without the national stage that her Fox News job provided, she’s going to start fading from public consciousness,”
Bike noted that this is exactly what Newt Gingrich did in 2012.
“Newt was Speaker of the House in the early- and mid-1990s but then faded from view,” Bike said. “Political junkies would see him pop up on various cable political shows, but he had been out of John Q. Public’s consciousness for years. He ran for president in 2012 knowing he didn’t have a chance, but also knowing that the debates and the free election political coverage would make him a household name once again and translate into more sales for his books and more paid public speaking gigs.”
Look for Palin to be the Gingrich of 2014 and 2016, Bike said. “I expect she’ll be campaigning for conservative candidates in 2014 to make contacts for a presidential run in 2016,” Bike added. “That’s a two-year cycle of making the Palin brand more viable.
“The result will be more Palin book sales and paid public appearances at the least, and depending on the 2016 Republican field, she could catch lightning in a bottle and make a legitimate run for the presidency,”
More about Palin’s political acumen can be found in Winning Political Campaigns: A Comprehensive Guide to Electoral Success, a how-to e-book providing information on everything a candidate, campaign worker, or activist needs to know to conduct a political race.
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